Perry campaign releases new ad attacking RomneyCare

Unfortunately for Mitt Romney, he actually said of himself at a recent Republican presidential debate, “There are a lot of reasons not to elect me.” And predictably, another GOP candidate has included that choice audio in a campaign ad:

Romney has done a lot of explaining about the statewide government-run healthcare plan he signed into law as governor of Massachusetts. But it’s troubling to us that any possible GOP nominee thinks government has a role to play in what should be private enterprise. Nothing in the U.S. Constitution specifies Federal responsibility for healthcare or insurance, or anything remotely like it.

ObamaCare must be repealed. If it is fully implemented in this weak economy, it could be the final nail in our economic coffin. We don’t need a Republican administration in 2012 that thinks healthcare is a Federal government responsibility.

Shorter Obama: ‘Pass my non-existent bill. Now."

President Barack Hussein Obama cajoled Congress into assembling for a joint session on September 8, and then subjected them to a campaign lecture.

Desperate to have Americans think he can something about the stagnant US economy, Obama and his minions pretended that he worked on an actual plan to create jobs during his swanky Martha’s Vineyard vacation. But sane people know that government doesn’t create any jobs – it just spends money. Money that Obama eagerly borrows from communist China.

During his stump speech, he pointed his finger repeatedly at members of Congress, and insisted that they pass his “jobs bill” immediately:

Only trouble is, no such jobs bill exists.

Ever the lazy community organizer, Obama did the same thing with ObamaCare and the recent so-called debt ceiling crisis, berating Congress to pass legislation, but leaving them with the bothersome task of writing it. An important clarification: Congressional staffers, lobbyists, and convicted felons actually authored the ObamaCare language, and Congressional Democrats passed the bill without ever bothering to read it.

Like everything else Obama has done as President, his non-existent “jobs bill” idea is another spread-the-wealth-around, big-government spending scheme. And like everything else Obama has done, it should be soundly rejected.

Federal government should stay out of healthcare

President Barack Obama declared the swine flu outbreak a national emergency on October 24, according to an Associated Press report. Although administration officials said the declaration was “a preemptive move designed to make decisions easier when they need to be made,” here’s what they are not saying: Most government health regulations make treatment more difficult, more costly and less effective.

Obama’s declaration amounts primarily to removal of Federal government red tape. By lifting Federal rules like HIPPA privacy regulations even temporarily, the Obama administration is unwittingly admitting that getting government out of the way is the best prescription for healthcare.

TeamObama has worked hard to create the impression that all US doctors favor a single-payer form of socialized medicine. That is far from the truth. In fact, 11 separate medical associations representing physicians throughout the United States are on record as opposing ObamaCare.

Want proof that medical professionals oppose government-run healthcare? Read this letter, addressed to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), signed by two recent former presidents of the American Medical Association.

If you oppose a Federal takeover of your health insurance and healthcare, speak up now. Time is short.