Black minister urges Christians to support Romney

Bishop Harry R. Jackson, Jr. makes an interesting case here for his support of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. He urges Christians to vote for Romney, arguing:

  1. Even though Romney is a Mormon (not a Biblical Christian), God can use anyone he chooses.
  2. Romney holds Biblical positions on the important moral issues of our time.
  3. Romney possesses practical business wisdom, which has been a critical deficit among current political leaders.
  4. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would urge us to look at the character of the candidates, and Romney passes that test.

Bishop Jackson, who holds an MBA from Harvard University, is senior pastor of Hope Christian Church, a 3,000-member congregation in the nation’s Capital. He also is founder and president of High Impact Leadership Coalition, which exists to protect the moral compass of America and be an agent of healing to our nation by educating and empowering churches, community and political leaders.

Jackson refers in this clip to two passages of scripture, 1 Kings 18 and Isaiah 45:1-6.

You can follow Jackson on Twitter @BishopHarry. His web site is

Obama supporters learn they actually hate Obama’s policies

Watch as Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change interviews supporters of President Barack Hussein Obama on the streets of New York City. Rudkowski asks their opinions about Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s policies. Later he reveals that the policies he describes are really the actions of President Obama.

Are liberals actually able to think? Or are they somehow unable to process information that conflicts with their world view?

Watch the final 2012 Presidential debate live

Watch the final 2012 presidential debate between Democrat candidate and incumbent President Barack Hussein Obama and Republican nominee, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney:

Full Video – First 2012 Presidential Debate

Missed the first debate? Here is the full video of the first in a series of 2012 presidential debates between President Barack Hussein Obama and former Massachussetts Governor Mitt Romney: